When we're not open...

Need help? Want to help? Dial 2-1-1.

United Way of Snohomish County: 2112-1-1 is the telephone number that connects you to health and human services in the community.

Need help finding rent assistance, job training, volunteer opportunities, food, shelter, or support groups? These are just some of the hundreds of social services 2-1-1 can help you access. Want to volunteer or give items? 2-1-1 has the answer.

Whether you are looking to find help or give it, when you call 2-1-1, you reach a trained call specialist who can connect you to the right source.

The North Sound 2-1-1 call center is open Monday-Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you are in a crisis that can’t wait until the next business day, call the Crisis Line at 800.584.3578.