Over 400 volunteers help us in the work of offering friendship, help, and hope to our neighbors in need
Last year, volunteers gave us over 4,000 hours of their time worth $149,000!
That allows us to run Take the Next Step with a very lean staff - just eight employees. And that means more of your donations go to our neighbors in need rather than into large admin and overhead.
We rely upon our volunteers. There are many ways you can join in our important work.
join a community dinner cooking team
These people barbecued 108 hamburgers and 96 hot dogs. They cut up five watermelons, made a bunch of salads, served big bowls of chips, and a had great selection of cookies for dessert.
They had a ton of fun being together.
You can, too!
EMAIL > Kara Dineen if you'd like to know more about how you can join a Community Dinner Cooking Team. Or complete our form below and we'll be in touch with you.
Here are a few more ideas...
Family Resource Center
Organize donations for all programs
Help with administrative tasks
Keep resources up to date for all family and individual needs
Kidz Club
Spend time hanging out with students
Read for half an hour a week with our elementary school children
Help with academic time
Prepare healthy snacks
Complete worksheets and thankfulness journals with students
Go on field trips with us during school vacations
Ready to get started?
Just complete the following form and we'll get in touch with you.
Volunteer Applications
If you will be working directly with our clients on a regular basis, we will ask you to complete a Volunteer Application. This includes giving us your permission to perform a background check.
Participants in Community Dinner Cooking Teams are not required to complete the Application.